Saturday 22 September 2012

How does music effect you?

Everyone has a couple of songs that always makes them feel better, perks them up takes away the Monday morning blues. Sometimes these songs can be perfect for if your having a crap day and genuinely can change your mind about how your days going, they can spark amazing memories that you've completely forgotten about. Of course everyone's memories are different, some songs I like spark memories of playing SingStar on the Playstation and laughing so hard I spat Ribena in my mates face, (we weren't actually singing he farted down the microphone, and listening back to 'it's raining men' with that happening nearly killed me with laughter). I can fully appreciate that not everybody has songs that remind them of particular situations like that, but boredom does funny things.

For example Ben Howard's song 'Old Pine' reminds me of being on Woolacombe beach, completely relaxed  just breathing in good air, talking about nothing and watching the sun go down. Completely calms me down, listened to it a lot recently but it always works a treat. To be honest his whole album is awesome for just having some down time to reflect on all the shit happening around you.

On the other side of the spectrum we have a song by 'Deadmau5' called 'Fn Pig', pretty recent song, within a month but its really good at getting me back to normal. Their are no lyrics in the song it's purely an 8 minute song that has a really good beat that actually made my ironing go so damn quick the other day, don't be so shocked I did some ironing, only once but I did some and I bossed that shit!!

Either way everyone has songs that change their mood or get them to look differently at things, so here's just a few of mine, they make me laugh, make me remember all sorts of things for hundreds of different reasons.

The Courtneers; You over did it doll

Drake; HYFR, Marvins Room

Blink 182; Wishing Well

John Mayer; Half Of My Heart

Temper Trap; Sweet Disposition, Fader

AC/DC; Thunderstruck, Back In Black

There's more but I can't put them all up for other reasons, check them out if you want, you'll all probably hate them, but screw you because I like them.

Sunday 16 September 2012

What we would we be without women

I think being a man can potentially be the most confusing thing in the world. Day to day is easy, aside from the morning pee, which can sometimes just be infuriatingly treacherous. I mean we can pick our own breakfast, get dressed and make it to work, what happens from their on out is either fate or dumb luck.
We're quite happy to go through the day taking things as they come, we might not be the fastest decision makers in history, but when were thinking were making sure that everything has been thought about before opening our mouths and changing our faces from every mans typical 'thinking face'. Sometimes this doesn't work and you get the odd stutter of words that then turn into a grumble, but we get there, just give us a minute.

This brings me on to why women just so happen to be annoyingly important, and there is, i'm afraid more than one reason. They are snap-to decision makers, we can talk lengthy over complicated talks with our mates and try to use over complicated phrases such, 'laissez faire', but in the end women take a decision and run with it, even if it's the wrong decision (they won't admit to it though), and that sorts us out lets us take everything on board and eventually come up with a long winded solution.

Could you imagine not having any interaction with a girl, it just doesn't happen, you can banter with them, have a laugh and still look at their bum without feeling bad about it. This is where the confusion of being a man comes back in. We're drawn to women (yes i'm fully aware we might not all be, but in some sense we still are), this makes it incredibly hard for us sometimes, knowing weather the way a girl is looking at us is because we've been staring at her bum and shes realised or she actually likes us, horrifically confusing. Then comes our emotions towards them, trying to explain how you feel towards a girl is like being a drunken bear, your looking at them, words want to come out, but instead all you want to do is fall over and sleep the whole emotional thing off. At the end of it all every man has a girl they would do anything for, literally, doesn't matter where they are on a night out if there stuck you'll go get them, buy them a drink, take them for a meal and constantly enjoy there company. Those are the girls you want in your life, the ones that give you a kick up the arse for putting a foot wrong, are honest with you and still only need a cuddle as payment.

As for the confusing part, I can't help you with that, just don't hold your mouth open for too long so the flies get in, or drool its never attractive.


Thursday 30 August 2012

Are you too nice?

This is being written as I think so could be a small roller coaster ride here.

Is being nice sometimes not what your supposed to do? I only ask this because I seem to be known as one these people who is a 'nice guy', now that's cool, better that than; 'the guy who stares at my bum'. But it does make me wonder, what if I decided to be right wanker, how much would change? I've been thinking about the benefits of this and I've come up with a few. Selfishness is one thing i'm currently not at all, however if I was to be I think I would get a shit load further in life. It might turn me into a bit of knob, but when you look at people who are, there lives are pretty damn good. They became selfish to better themselves, and when you consider how far they can get with it, is it such a bad thing? And by selfish I don't mean just being rude to and not sharing chewing gum with people. Look at premiership rugby players, they are consumed by their sport, having to leave wives with new-born babies to go and play a sport, a sport that takes them all around the world without their family or friends, and they have to do that, yet they have got what they want and are succeeding where others have failed, because they were selfish enough in the first place??

I just think the way things are going at the moment the more selfish we are the better, surely self-improvement isn't a bad thing, do we always need to be considering everyone else?

I'm not saying i'm going to turn into a self-involved, ignorant, child sweet stealing, stiff upper lipped turd, but maybe if I treated myself as well as I treat others I would get on better. Do you consider others before yourself? Just a thought.

Drank grapefruit juice whilst I wrote this, the most sour thing in the damn world!!!  

Sunday 11 March 2012

Lazy boy

I like being active, i like to have a laugh and cock about. What i dont like is sitting about being as bored as a formula one driver at a school sports day. Thats happened a lot recently and its affected me. I've turned into one of those people that has a tendency to stand open-mouthed looking at 'stuff'. So in the past couple days i have attacked this by playing word games, making crosswords, finding out how many words i can make from a word, even cleaning (I was limited on options of things i could do). These odd actions happened after I missed Top Gear last sunday, (those of you who may know me well enough, know i never do that), i decided something needed to be done, I can't watch it on iplayer again, its horrific. I'm trying to be more upbeat, even if this does include embarrassing my missus by dancing next to her and skipping to the car (i'm straight, honest). Recent events of also quelling boredom have come from permanent marker jousting, flicking fights and general tomfoolery to get a reaction. I'm not sure what I can try next, I enjoy seeing what i can get away with.

On a seperate note i've managed to run every day this week in the morning and go to the gym 4 times, albeit one time was to 'train' in grappling, however i again felt as though i was a human sized stress ball. I woke up this morning to go running realising my leg did not quite want to work as it usually should, as i fell back into bed.

Anywho Top Gear starts soon, so heres a joke; When I got home last night my door was ajar.

Which was weird, because when I left it was definitely a door.

Thursday 8 March 2012

Haven't done this in a while

Hi there, remember me?
Yeah won't lie couldn't be bothered to write on here recently, I found the gym, alcohol and a lady. It's an odd mixture, one that at the moment is definitely keeping me busy.

I'll get straight to the most important part, I now am a proud owner of an ODEON card, you read correctly, my life has progressed. I have managed to destroy another car, turns out the gremlins have decided to play havoc with my clutch and make it sound like i have installed a rubble crusher.

I've started running every morning at 7am, its horrific theres no other word. This is all in aid attempting to look like my girlfriends dream man (ben foden), who managed to find his way onto my phones backdrop and is the reason why when we watch the rugby the conversation pauses, just as the fullback catches the ball, hmmmmm. It's also the reason im destroying my self at the gym every bloody day, I look like a sweaty tomato walking round the gym.

Sorry it's a short one i'll get back into more and get some moer stupid up, in the meantime here's my favourite childhood joke; Who wrote the book rusty bedsprings?? I.P. Knightly

Chow Chow

Thursday 23 February 2012

Proper busy lad today, woke up went for a run with pooch, took my mate to the doctors, picked up and dropped off a lawnmower, saw my nephew, picked my mate up from the doctors, took the dog out again, made my way out to do what i aim to do every day and make someone smile, think i might of. Then went to the gym.

The gym sucked today i barely did anything but managed to pull my groin ( thats right ladies).

I'm proper tired however so this is going to be a crud blog, apologies.

Here's some jokes from

Jedward were being interviewed.

John said, "We're so alike we can finish off each other's..."

Edward interrupted, "...wanks."

Its amazing that all trust goes out the window as soon as the TV remote goes missing.
"Have you got the remote?"
"Stand up!"

Kurt Cobain killed himself one month after Justin Bieber was born..

He knew.

For lent, I have decided to give up sexual innuendos.

It's so hard.

What do you call a panda deep in thought?

A ponda.

Pure laziness hope you enjoyed haha

Wednesday 22 February 2012


Had a couple days off from this as i decided to tear myself away from what is basically writing to a bunch of strangers, but hey ho.

What did I get up to today, I went and had a look at the frog spawn again like an over excited kid expecting to see something, but only saw loads of frogs having an orgy. Even the dog looked at me like; 'boy, your fucking weird, i know i lick my own arse, but its just a freaking frog!'. Odd how you can sometimes tell what your dog is thinking or is that just me?
Didn't tell my boss this today because she would of ripped me all day, or slapped my nipples with a ruler like she did yesterday, but i managed to catch my swede on the desk trying to get the laptop out, then almost dropped the laptop by shocking myself, then went to regain control of the laptop and smacked my head again, so smooth.......

Someone asked me for number, never i repeat, never has this happened. SO what did i do, stood there went red, looked at my boss, (who by now is thinking, 'this is hilarious!!') and just basically babbled about not being able to, i got rid of her through confusion, yeah true playa!!!!

Took my mate to the gym, found out that my blood pressure is ridiculously high, that wasn't a scary conversation about how i could slowly die by bleeding internally from my neck, aces right there!! Anyway i have a gym buddy, doesn't make me look the lonely knob at the back of the gym grunting like i'm trying to turn into something from Twilight now.

I've had a good day, loads of laughs, im possibly slowly dying, ate food (best part obviously) and get to write to all you crazy people that want to know what i'm doing.

Turn up the music.......